Criticizing the Righteous People


 Fatwa of Sheikh Muhammad bin Salih Al Utsaimin


What is the law against those who hold fast to the teachings of Allah and His Messenger?


Criticizing people who hold fast to the teachings of Allah and His Messenger because of their steadfastness in religion is a very dangerous thing for a person. Because this is feared to be a form of hatred for what they practice, namely istiqomah in religion, so that it becomes hatred for the religious teachings they practice. This is similar to what God said:

If they did, they would say, "Play for God's sake."

And if you ask them (about what they are doing), they will say, "Indeed, we were just joking and playing." Say: "What about Allah, His revelation and His Messenger you ridicule?" (Surah At-Taubah: 65).

Because this verse was revealed about the hypocrites who said: “ We have never seen people like them (i.e. the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam and his companions), the fattest belly, the one who lies about his words, and the most cowardly when he meets the enemy. ". Then the verse came down.

So people who abuse ahlul haq should be careful. Because they are people who try to apply religious teachings, and Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

Those who commit evil are among the believers, they laugh, and when they pass by, they wink, and when they turn to their families, they become arrogant. And when they saw them, they said that they had gone astray, and they were not sent to guard them, so today those who believe from the disbelievers laugh. On the sofa they see, what are the clothes of the infidels that they usually do?

Surely the sinners are those who laugh at the believers. And when the believers passed before them, they winked at one another. And when the sinners returned to their people, they returned rejoicing. And when they see those who believe, they say: Lo! They are indeed astray, but the guilty were not sent as guardians for the believers. So this day those who believe laugh at those who disbelieve, they (sit) on couches, looking on. Indeed, the disbelievers have been rewarded for what they used to do "(QS. Al Muthaffifin: 29-34).


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