Fatwa: Is it true that almsgiving at dawn is more important ???


Fatwa of Sheikh Dr. Abdul Aziz Ar-Rays


Is it true that alms at dawn have certain virtues? I've heard that it has certain virtues based on the hadith,

Bless my nation in its beginnings

"My people are blessed in the morning."

and hadith,

مِا مِنْ يَوْمٍ يُصْبِحُ العِبَادُ فِيهِ, َلَا مَلَكَانِ يَنْزِلاَنِ, فَيَقُولُ أَحَدُهُمَا: اللَّهُمَّ أَعْطِ مُنْفِق

“There is not a single day for a servant, except that two angels come and one of them prays, 'O Allah, give a better one for the one who gives charity.' "

What do you think about such an understanding, namely that there is a virtue in giving alms at dawn?

Read also:


As for the first hadith, it was mentioned by Abu Hatim Ar-Razi that there is no authentic hadith about the prayer of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam who prayed for blessings for his people in the morning. Although some scholars have confirmed the hadith. However, we have mentioned what is the opinion of Imam Abu Hatim Ar-Razi rahimahullahu Ta'ala .

As for the second hadith, namely the hadith,

I have not heard, I am unjust, thank you, I am unjust.

“There is not a single day for a servant, except that two angels come and one of them prays, 'O Allah, give a better one for the one who gives charity.' The other angel prayed, 'O Allah, give destruction to those who hold back their wealth.'”

This hadith is authentic narrated by Bukhari and Muslim from the companions of Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu 'anhu .

If the first hadith is valid, there is also no evidence regarding the specialization of the morning to give charity, because this is common to all deeds that can be blessed and because in the morning, the person is more enthusiastic.

To make matters worse, we do not know of any of the previous scholars who thought that he recommended giving alms in the morning. Nor do we find from the deeds of the companions and those after them, to deliberately give alms in the morning because of a special virtue at that time. Assuming this act is organized, of course they are the most enthusiastic people in doing it. This assumes that the hadith is authentic.

As for the second hadith, there is no proof at all from this hadith that shows the virtue of dawn alms. Because this hadith only shows that angels pray in the morning. As for the arrival of angels at dawn and praying at that time, this is a matter of its own. While saying that there is a suggestion for alms in the morning, this is a different matter again.

However, this hadith shows that almsgiving is a recommended practice. And all those who give charity at any time of the day, are included in the scope of this hadith. And to be further strengthened, we did not find any scholars who advocated such an act.


Fatwa: Dewan Fatwa Islamweb


Does it include the sunnah of the Prophet or is there a term called "dawn alms"?


Alhamdulillah, wasshalatu wassalamu 'ala Nabiyyina Muhammadin, wa' ala alihi washahbihi waman waalah. But tomorrow,

There is nothing in the Qur'an or Sunnah, to our knowledge, what is termed "dawn alms". Maybe this naming comes from understanding some hadiths such as hadith,

بَاكِرُوا بِالصَّدَقَةِ, فَإِنَّ الْبَلَاءَ لَا يَتَخَطَّى الصَّدَقَةَ

“Give alms in the morning. Because the disaster will not be able to pass alms. " (HR. Al Baihaqi, At Thabarani)

This hadith is said by the scholars of dha'if jiddan . As explained by Ibn Jauzi rahimahullah in Al-Maudhu'at .

Or maybe from the hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim,

I have not heard, I am unjust, thank you, I am unjust.

“There is not a single day for a servant, except that two angels come and one of them prays, 'O Allah, give a better one for the one who gives charity.' The other angel prayed, 'O Allah, give destruction to those who hold back their wealth.'”

However, in this hadith there is no specialization of alms at dawn. Because of what this hadith tells us that the angels pray at dawn, it means to pray for the person who gives alms at any time on that day.

And also this hadith is narrated with other words in Musnad Ahmad and Sahih Ibn Hibban , and authenticated by Al-Albani, from the hadith of Abud Darda ' radhiyallahu' anhu , that the angel prayed at Maghrib time. In the history of Ibn Hibban,

وَلَا غَرَبَتْ ْلَّ ا بجَنْبَتَيْهَا مَلَكَانِ يُنَادِيَانِ: اللَّهُمَّ أَعْطِ مُنْفِقًا خَلَفًا وَأَعْطِ مُمْسِكًا

"And the sun does not set for a servant, except by his side there are two angels who pray, 'O Allah, give a better exchange for those who give charity.' The other angel prayed, 'O Allah, give destruction to those who hold back their wealth.'”

Wallahu ta'ala a'lam.

Sumber: muslim.or.id

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